Gran Paradiso Goal

It's the only 4000m entirely in Italy : the famous Gran Paradiso, with wide glaciers and accessible slopes, is an emblematic summit but reachable.

Surely an ideal destination to cross the mythical 4000m mark for those who dream about peaks and altitude. From the Valsavarenche valley in Italy, we slowly start climbing to our first refuge, Chabod (2750m). It will then be the big ascent day of this National Park monarch, Gran Paradiso, at 4061m altitude. Beautiful glacial run with a rocky end to arrive at the statue of the Virgin Mary at the peak. We will be fulfilled whilst descending to the refuge Victor Emmanuel II.
On our last day we return to the valley, in the village of Pont. Lovely descent amongst flowers and larches. We will contemplate the Gran Paradiso massif from a nice and easy summit, the Tresenta (3609m) before descending to the valley. 


  • Day 1 Pravieux (1834m) in the Valsavarenche valley, Chabod refuge (2750m).

    We meet early in the morning in Chamonix. Your guide will welcome you, brief you on the following days program and verify your material (renting is possible), before leaving towards the Valsavarenche valley in Italy (70km). Arrival at the alpine pasture of Pravieux (1834m). Climb to the Chabod refuge (2750m) by a nice path.

    Difference in altitude : 916m| Altitude Max : 2750m | Accommodation : Chabod Refuge

  • Day 2 Gran Paradiso Ascent (4061m), Victor Emmanuel II refuge

    Very early start for the Gran Paradiso ascent. It is one of the most beautiful belvedere in the Alps with views on the Monte Viso, the Monte Rosa, the Mont Blanc massif and many other summits ! Varied glacial slopes with a final rocky and aerial climb to reach the statue of the Virgin Mary at the peak. We'll breath in some of that fresh air and capture this magical moment ! We'll then slowly descend towards the Victor Emmanuel II refuge.

    Positive difference in altitude : around 1350m | Negative difference in altitude : around 1350m | Max Altitude : 4061m | Accommodation : Victor Emmanuel II Refuge

  • Day 3 Tresenta Summit (3609m), Victor Emmanuel II refuge

    We start our day with the gentle slope of the Montcorvé glacier. Glacial ascent with an end in the highest screes of the Tresenta (3609m) : another marvelous belvedere of the Gran Paradiso massif. We'll then descend to the Victor Emmanuel II refuge and back down to the valley in the afternoon.

    Positive difference in altitude : 877m | Negative difference in altitude : 1650m | Max Altitude : 3609m


The program can be modified by your guide due to weather conditions or participants physical conditions. For safety reasons and to ensure a uniform level corresponding to the one announced, the supervision and organisation boards have the right to interrupt your participation if your technical or physical level are lower than the one required. The interruption will not give you any right of refund or payment of compensation.

Dates & prices

International departures:

No departure for now

Departures for French-speaking groups:

From To Price per person Guaranteed Booking
€620 Yes Fully booked
€620 No Book now!
€620 Yes Fully booked
€620 Yes Fully booked
€620 Yes Fully booked
€620 Yes Fully booked

Trip code: AGP3


  • A deposit of 30% of the trip’s price will be needed during the booking, the whole price must be paid at least 30 days before departure. 
  • The technical organization of the stay
  • Mountaineering with high-mountain guides
  • Half-board accommodation in refuges, cottages and lodges
  • Lunch picnics
  • Safety equipment : avalanche transceiver (batteries non provided), probe, shovel 
  • Mont Blanc tunnel passage (with a vehicle type classe 1)

Not included

  • Individual equipment : harness, crampons, ice axe, helmet
  • Ski-touring equipment : shoes, skis, skins, knifes, poles
  • Drinks and personal expenses
  • Snacks (cereal bars, dried fruits, chocolate bars, etc...) at your own convenience
  • Transfers back and forth between Chamonix and Valsavarenche
  • Insurance / assistance : research fees and helicopter rescue, hospitalisation and repatriation mandatory

International flights

If you wish, we can take care of booking your international flights to the closest airport of your destination. 

Terms and conditions


Subscribe to one of our activities or travels means accepting general sales conditions. Each client must fill a subscription form, which will be accepted only after the payment of a deposit accounting for 30% of the travel’s price and according to the availability. If you subscribe less than 30 days before the trip, you must pay the whole price during the subscription. You can pay by bank transfer (SWIFT/IBAN) or with your credit card directly through our website (available soon). A booking confirmation will be sent to you be e-mail very soon. 

Invoice procedure

Once your booking is registered, we will send you an email containing the invoice. Full payment is required at least 30 days before your arrival. If the customer does not settle the payment of the travel price within the period agreed upon, Altaï Alpes has the right to cancel the booking free of charge. 

Cancellation policy

If for any reason, you decide to withdraw from a journey, the amount already paid will be refunded subject to the following exceptions:
  • More than 30 days before departure, you will be charged for the amount of 50€
  • From 30 to 21 days before departure, you will be charged for the amount of the deposit (30% of the trip’s price)
  • From 20 to 14 days before departure,  you will be charged for 50% of the trip’s price
  • From 13 to 7 days before departure,  you will be charged for 75% of the trip’s priceLess than 7 days before departure,  you will be charged for the whole trip’s price 

Particular case :

Whatever the cancellation or contract change date, the following fees will be added to the charges above:
  • Airline fixed costs: plane tickets are bought in advance to avoid too high airline prices, however they are non refundable in case of cancellation or plan changes. In that case, the charges above apply to the price of your trip without the plane ticket’s price
  • Ground fixed costs: you will be charged for the fees that were paid early
  • Insurance fees: Insurance fees will not be refunded if you have subscribed to a multi-risk or cancellation insurance. The specific conditions will be written on your subscription confirmationIf you have no choice but to cancel your trip before departure, you must inform Montagne Expeditions and your insurance provider with a written statement as soon as possible, you will get a receipt. 

The receipt date will be taken as the cancellation date to charge cancellation fees.  

If Montagne Expeditions has no choice but to cancel a group travel due to an insufficient number of participants, the decision will be taken and the clients informed at least 31 days before departure. Altaï Alpes can also cancel a departure due to exceptional events threatening participants safety (social events, strikes, weather conditions). In that case, the trip’s price will be fully refunded but the participants will not get any compensation.

Changes to travel contract

If any change in travel contract is made at the customer’s request, the customer shall pay any fee that might arise from this change. In any case, every request for changes shall be notified in writing. In case of external events that could not be foreseen, Altaï Alpes might change some aspects of the travel contract. We will inform you of any changes as quickly as possible.


All group travel prices on our website have been calculated for the indicated number of participants for each trip. The price list is confirmed after the booking. If the number of participants is lower than expected, an additional payment charge might be applied. For each travel and program, we mention the price per person – valid for the minimum number of participants – and we provide you with detailed explanations about the services included or not. Any change in the exchange rates or in the price of travel services in particular regarding the cost of the fuel, might entail price revision.

Contract transfer

In case of contract transfer by the customer to an assignee, modification and cancellation conditions apply. 


We recommend you to get your personal insurance before your departure to cover the activities undertaken by Montagne Expedition. If you have not purchased any of our insurances, we ask you to email us your insurance contract information (company, contract name, contract number, phone number) and bring those information with you on your trip. 

Practical info


Your trip will be supervised by a high-mountain guide who will teach you technical elements needed for the good progress of your stay. He may need to modify the program in order to ensure safety regarding weather conditions and participants physical conditions.


  • Lunch picnics
  • Diners : meals prepared by shelter keepers
  • Take some race food according to your own tastes (cereals bars, chocolate bars, dry fruits,…).

  • Water is not for free in refuges (from 5 to 8 euros one bottle). We advise you to bring some water purification tablets (Aquatabs or Micropur) in order to drink tap water. 
  • Personal drinks are not included in the trip's price
  • Bring cash for coffees, fruit juices, coke or beers during breaks… Shelters usually don’t accept bank card payments and Euros.


  • Every refuges of this itinerary are comfortable and warm. Dormitories are equipped with blankets for the night (plan to bring your personal bed sheet for hygiene reasons). 
  • Slippers are at your disposal : no need to bring trainers. 
  • We advise you to bring protection against noise (ear plugs).
  • A few electrical plugs are available in refuges, but plan to bring an external battery to charge your camera and switch off your phone during the day. 


Your guide will help you finalize your bag on the first day. It will be under 10 to 12kg including water and snacks for the day.

Rendez vous : Early morning in  Chamonix.

Where to stay before and after your trip ?

Hôtel Les Campanules**
450 Route de Coupeau
74310 Les Houches
Tel : 04 50 54 40 71

Chalet du Club Alpin du Tour
Chemin du Rocher Nay
Gardienne : Véronique Barbier
Tel : 04 50 54 04 16

Parkings during your trip :
Parking de Pravieux inItaly (free) 85km away from Chamonix.

Access : 
By train : Terminal of classic trains at the Saint-Gervais-les-Bains le Fayet train station, then change trains for the tourtistic train of Le Fayet-Martigny, stop at Chamonix "Aiguille du Midi".
Timetable and prices on, or by phone at 3635.

By road : A40 "autoroute blanche", Cluses, Servoz, Les Houches, and Chamonix.

Budget & exchange

Italy and France are in the Eurozone. Therefore, the unit of the currency is the Euro.

Credit cards and debit cards are very useful for cash advances (but don’t forget to bring your PIN number!). 
ATMs are available in most of the towns you will cross during your stay, but there are no guarantees that your credit card will actually work in France or Italy.
Also, refuges often don’t have EPT (Electronic Payment Terminal): it is best to bring cash.

Be aware of the fees usually applied when purchasing products or services on a credit card. 
Always take more rather than less, as you don’t want to spend your trip constantly feeling short on funds. 
As currency exchange rates can often fluctuate, we recommend to check the following website for daily exchange rates:


Clients usually pay for the guides’ drinks : you might find it practical to make a group kitty at the beginning of your stay (no obligation). 

Supplied equipment

  • The group equipment (ropes, carabineers) is provided
  • Slippers and blankets are available at the lodges and refuges : plan to bring your own bed sheet

Vital equipment

  • 1 pair of ski touring skis, light and with adapted fixations as well as a break or safety strips, and sharpened
  • 1 pair of ski touring shoes with VIBRAM soles
  • 1 pair of adhesive seals skin adapted to your skis
  • Knifes adapted to fixations
  • Poles with large disks

  • Safety equipment : beacon, probe and shovel
  • crampons with "Antibott" system
  • Ice axe
  • Harness and carabineers
  • Survival blanket
  • 1 headlamp with extra batteries and bulb
  • Pocket knife
  • Thermos


Upper body : 
  • Windstopper bonnet
  • Hat or cap
  • Neck scarf
  • Sunscreen (high protection) for skin and lips
  • Sunglasses for glacier category 4 + ski goggles 
  • 2 technical breathable long sleeve underwear type "Carline" (no coton which dries too slowly)
  • 1 technical and breathable shirt to put under your jumper
  • 1 thick fleece jacket
  • 1 fuzz jacket
  • 1 wind stopper and waterproof jacket type Goretex
  • 1 pair of wind stopper mittens (fleece or wool) 
  • 1 pair of undergloves

Lower body : 
  • 1 technical and breathable pair of tights type "Carline"
  • 1 pair of comfortable mountain trousers
  • 1 pair of wind stopper and waterproof trousers type Goretex
  • 2 pairs of socks : 1 thin and 1 thick

Other : 
  • 1 bed sheet for refuges
  • 1 small toiletry bag with 1 fast drying towel
  • Cream for sunburns (Biafine)
  • Biodegradable toilet paper
  • 1 or 2 100L plastic bags and an overbag to protect your belongings and your bag
  • 1 waterproof pouch in which you will put your identity paper, your phone, your money and your insurance/assistance contract with all of your emergency numbers


You will carry all of your belongings in your 40/50L comfortable backpack, as well as your picnics and your technical equipment. 


Your guide has a pharmacy of first urgency.
Plan with your doctor your personal pharmacy:
  • Personal medicine
  • Pain reliever (preferably paracetamol)
  • Double skin
  • Elastoplast
  • Local disinfectant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antispasmodic
  • Anti-diarrheal
  • Anti-vomiting
  • Intestinal antiseptic
  • Eyewash
  • Light sleeping pills
  • Earplugs
  • Broad spectrum antibiotic
  • Vitamins C 
Non-exhaustive list.


Please make sure your passport and travel documents are valid.


  • Up to 90 days visit : citizens from most countries do not need a visa to visit France and Italy.
  • Over 90 days visit : non-EU or non-EFTA citizens must have a visa to visit France and Italy over 90 days.

For further information, please check the following website :

Mandatory vaccines

There are no mandatory vaccines needed to travel to Italy. 

Health information & recommendations

For this trip, you must be fit : you can train with other sports such as running, cycling, swimming or sportive walk. To have a reasonable chance of success, a high degree of fitness and stamina, some previous experience of altitude is highly recommended. 

Training advices to check with your general practionner : six months before departure, try to do at least 1 to 2 endurance sport sessions a week (each one must last at least one hour) and do a 6 hours trekking during the week-end with an elevation of 400m/hour during three hours. Three months before departure, try 2 to 3 endurance sport sessions a week and increase your trekking time during the week end from 7 to 8 hours.

Please inform us of any health issues : allergy, diabetes, asthma, or old strokes...


The best time of year to climb Gran Paradiso is from June through September. However, the weather here is still decent enough for ascents in the late spring and early autumn as well. Indeed, during the summer months, the average temperatures on the mountain fluctuate between 8ºC to 12ºC, but once you reach the glacier and above, it gets much colder. Temperatures at the base of the mountain are generally around 20°C. Thus, we recommend to dress in layers. 

While temperatures do not drop too much during the spring and autumn, it is definitely cooler and will require warmer clothing than the summer.
Late spring and early summer is when it precipitates the most in this area. While the weather is generally clear, squalls and afternoon thunderstorms are not uncommon. 
July through October are generally drier than May and June.   


There will be electricity in most places you will stay. If you are scared to run low on battery, we advise to bring an external battery charger.  

Power plugs in France have the particularity of being male and female at the same time : they have 2 prongs and a receptacle. If you need an adapter, please purchase if before departure. In France the power plugs and sockets are of type E. The standard voltage is 230 V and the standard frequency is 50 Hz.

For Italy there are three associated plug types : types C, F and L. Plug type C is the plug which has two round pins, plug type F is the plug which has two round pins with two earth clips on the side and plug type L is the plug type which has three round pins. Italy operates on a 230V supply voltage and 50Hz. Check that you can use your personal electrical appliances safely whilst abroad. If not, you will surely need the use of a travel adaptor.

Local time

France and Italy are in the Central European Time Zone. Central European Standard Time (CET) is 1 hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+1).

Sustainable tourism

We do our best to offer trips subscribed to the principles of responsible and sustainable tourism. Our aim is to allow visitors to discover the many facets of France by taking you off the beaten path and getting you in touch with its nature and residents, while ensuring that your visits do not have a negative effect on its natural environment and people.

  • Most of our accommodations are run by locals, thus ensuring that the largest part of the revenue generated through your trip will stay within the region.
  • France is known for its exquisite cuisine. The art of cooking and the joy of eating are part of everyday life. Each region has its particular foods and flavors which we would like you to explore and appreciate.
  • Water is a precious and rare good. Our team and those travelling with us are thus advised to use it with consideration and avoid excessive water use where possible.
  • Please try to recycle your waste whenever possible, even though recycling may not be a well-known concept in all areas.
  • Be cautious and respectful when hiking. Make sure to wear suitable footwear and avoid picking flowers, moving stones or lighting fires.  
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My local agent

  • Passionnée d'aventure et de sports en tout genre, Lena sait mettre à profit son grand sens de curiosité pour sortir constamment de sa zone de confort. Elle saura vous conseiller et aiguillier au mieux en français, italien et anglais.
Request a quote
Alpine summits Alpinism autonomy course Summer
3 days
4 to 4 people
From €620
English / French


  • A three days ascent for those who don't have much time
  • A program crossing all type of landscapes and allowing us to discover this magnificent Italian Natural Park
  • A first 4000m peak accessible

Guide's advice

« Once we've done a first alpinism trip or glacial trekking travel, we often aspire to discover the world of the 4000m peaks. Gran Paradiso is the goal to achieve this desire. »

Required level

Technical difficulties

The main difficulties are located in the last meters before the summit : a few steps of climbing, quite dizzying. The rest of the climb is mainly on the moraine and the glacier. A first experience with crampons is advised to appreciate even better this weekend. 

Physical difficulties

This trip requires an excellent physical condition as you are going to ascend a summit over 4000m high. You will have very few time to acclimatize, it is thus interesting to have a first experience in classical trekking in mountains a few days before. 


Over 4000m high the notion of isolation takes its full meaning. It is important to follow the guides instructions in every circumstances. 
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