Mythical Chamonix Zermatt

Chamonix - Zermatt is one of the most beautiful ski touring classic routes, connecting two mountaineering capitals : Chamonix & Zermatt.

From Mont Blanc to Matterhorn, it is the most magnificent 4000 that we'll see during our six unforgettable steps. The High Mountain ambiance is incredible, landscapes are superb and refuges are Swiss authentic and comfortable mountain huts. A must do !
Planned : astonishing panoramas and pass crossing over 3000m. Every pass reveals a new spectacular and striking vision of mountains. 
The first evening, the hallucinating North face profile of the Argentière basin haunts our dreams. The next day, we'll turn our backs to Mont Blanc to socialise with wide glaciers, far away from pistes... Prafleuri hut, Dix cabin, Vignette mountain lodge : our adventure follows its way paced by steps in comfortable refuges in altitude. 
The highlight of our trip will be the Pigne d'Arolla and its 3796m altitude before finishing on an anthology step to Zermatt. 


  • Day 1 Chamonix - Argentière refuge

    Chamonix - Argentière refuge We meet early in the morning in Chamonix with the group and our guide. he will brief us on our raid and check our personal equipment (renting is posisble).
    We start by a short personal car transfer to the village of Argentière. We will then take the Plan Joran cable car, and gently descend to Lognan before climbing back up on the glacier with our skins on to the Argentière refuge

    Positive difference in altitude : around 850m | Negative difference in altitude : around 150m | Altitude Max : 3233m | Accommodation : Argentière refuge

  • Day 2 Argentière refuge - Champex

    Argentière refuge - Champex According to weather & mountain conditions, we'll climb to the Chardonnet pass (3323m) or to the Passon pass. Today's step is magnificent, in a very "High Mountain "environment. We'll then join the Fenêtre de Saleina (3267m). To pass the Ecandies pass, we'll take our skis off and climb on foot on a short but steep snowy corridor. Then, by the Val d'Arpette, long and beautiful hilly descent to the Swiss village of Champex.

    Positive difference in altitude : around 1150m | Negative difference in altitude : around 2535m | Altitude Max : 3323m | Accommodation : Lodge

  • Day 3 Champex - Prafleuri hut

    The connection with Verbier is assured in vehicule to Châble, then by the Jumbo cable car to the Gentianes pass. We'll cross the chaux pass (2940m), the Momin pass (3003m) and ascend Rosablanche (optional). We will then rejoin the Prafleuri hut at 2622m.

    Positive difference in altitude : around 990m | Negative difference in altitude : around 1150m | Altitude Max : 3336m | Accommodation : Prafleuri hut

  • Day 4 Prafleuri cabin - Dix hut

    Roux pass, the Barma (2458m) dominates the Dix lake. After crossing over the lake, we climb to the Dix hut (2928m) by the Pas du Chat.
    We spend the night in the Dix mountain hut, at the bottom of the impressive North face of Mont Blanc (3870m).

    Positive difference in altitude : around 850m | Negative difference in altitude : around 500m | Altitude Max : 2928m | Accommodation : Dix mountain hut

  • Day 5 Dix hut - Pigne d'Arolla - Vignettes hut

    Dix hut - Pigne d'Arolla - Vignettes hut Nice path on the very glacial terrain with the crossing of Serpentine. Pigne d'Arolla ascent (3796m), classic belvedere but the extraordinary view will amaze us. Beautiful descent towards the Vignettes mountain hut (3158m).

    Positive difference in altitude : around 1030m | Negative difference in altitude : around 750m | Altitude Max : 3790m | Accommodation : Vignettes hut

  • Day 6 Vignettes hut -Zermatt

    Vignettes hut -Zermatt Very nice step today, even one of the most charming of this raid. We'll cross the Evêque pass (3392m), the Mont Brûlé pass and the Valpelline pass (3568m). Superb view on the Matterhorn. We will then descend to Zermatt and return to Chamonix in a minibus.

    Positive difference in altitude : around 1290m | Negative difference in altitude : around 2770m | Altitude Max : 3568m


Please note that although the itinerary presented here is the one we intend to follow, there is a high chance that changes may be necessary. Many factors can affect climbing in high mountains. Mountain adventures depend on weather conditions, individual member's abilities vary, as does their ability to assimilate the skills needed. The guide's main aim will be to ensure your safety and the success of the trip. Please use this outline itinerary as a guide to the types of roads / activities that you will attempt. For security reasons and to ensure a consistent level corresponding to the one announced, the organization board gets the right to discontinue your participation if your technical and / or physical conditions do not match those required. In no case the interruption shall give right to a refund or compensation payments.

Dates & prices

International departures:

No departure for now

Departures for French-speaking groups:

From To Price per person Guaranteed Booking
€1,590 No Book now!
€1,590 No Book now!
€1,590 No Book now!
€1,590 No Book now!
€1,590 No Book now!

Trip code: SRCZ


The 30% deposit has to be paid when registering. The remaining balance will be paid 30 days before departure. 
  • The technical organisation of the trip
  • A high mountain guide's supervision
  • Cable cars and movements necessary to the normal progress of the program
  • Accommodation in refuges half-board 
  • Lunch picnics
  • Transfer from Zermatt to Chamonix
  • The collective technical equipment (ropes, ice axes)

Not included

  • Individuel technical equipment : harness, crampons, ice axe
  • Safety equipment : DVA, shovel & probe
  • Ski touring equipment : shoes, skis, skins, knives, sticks 
  • Registration fees
  • Drinks & personal expenses 
  • Snacks (cereal bars, dried fruits, chocolate bars, etc.) according to your own convenience
  • Insurance : helicopter research and rescue in high mountain in Switzerland is mandatory, hospitalization and repatriation
  • Travel expenses to the meeting point and dispersion point

International flights

If you wish, we can take care of booking your international flights to the closest airport of your destination. 

Terms and conditions

Booking conditions

Booking a trip with Montagne Expedition implies acceptance of the terms and conditions of sale. Each customer is required to complete a registration form and, subject to availability at the time of registration, travellers are expected to pay a deposit of 35% of the total price to complete their booking. Payments can be made online or by bank transfer. You will receive an e-mail with your booking confirmation.

Invoice procedure

Once your booking is confirmed you will receive an invoice by e-mail. The full balance of the trip must be received at least 30 days before your departure date. Montagne Expedition reserves the right to cancel your booking, free of charge, if this deadline is not respected.

Cancellation policy

If for any reason you have to cancel your trip, Montagne Expedition requires written confirmation of your decision. The money you have paid will then be refunded according to the following deductions:
  • Cancellation received more than 30 days prior to the departure date: a sum of €50 per person will be retained
  • Cancellation received 30 to 21 days before the departure date: your deposit, 30% of the total trip price will be retained
  • Cancellation received 20 to 14 days before the departure date: 50% of the total trip price will be retained
  • Cancellation received 13 to 7 days before the departure date: 75% of the total trip price will be retained
  • Cancellation received less than 7 days before the departure date: 100% of the total trip price will be retained

Special cases:
Please note that, regardless of the date of cancellation or modification if you have agreed to pay for services such as hotel reservations, flights or additional activities, these services are usually non-refundable so additional fees may apply.
  • Fixed airfares: if your airline ticket was issued in advance, often done to avoid significant surcharges, you will be charged 100% of any non-refundable fees if you wish to change or cancel your flight plan.
  • Fixed in-country costs: early charges for firm bookings will be charged if you cancel or modify your trip.
  • Insurance costs: if you have taken out comprehensive or cancellation insurance, the cost of insurance is due and cannot be refunded.

Please note that fees apply according to the date Altaï Canarias receive your cancellation or modification request in writing

If we have to cancel a departure due to an insufficient number of participants, you will be informed no later than 21 days before departure and a full refund will be issued, you will not be entitled to further compensation. We reserve the rights to cancel departures due to exceptional circumstances which may impact the safety of participants. Such circumstances include those amounting to 'force majeure' in which case participants will receive a full refund but they will not be entitled to any compensation.

Changes to travel contract

If you wish to make a change to your booking please contact us in writing; you will be expected to pay any fee which might arise from this change. In the event of unforeseen external events, Montagne Expedition may change some aspects of the travel contract. If any changes are necessary you will be informed as quickly as possible.


The prices on our website are updated regularly and all of the prices we advertise are accurate when published. Montagne Expedition reserve the rights to make changes to any of these prices. Before you make a booking we will give you the up-to-date price of your chosen holiday including any supplements, upgrades or additional activities you may have requested. If the number of travellers is fewer than the indicated number of participants on the website, a small group surcharge may be applied. For all of our trips we include details of services, prices and what is/is not included but please be aware that changes to the prices may be necessary in accordance with exchange rates or price changes of various components of the journey.

Contract transfer

If you are unable to travel for any reason with Montagne Expedition, you can transfer your booking to another person in which case our modification conditions apply. Both the transferor and transferee will be jointly and severally liable for payment of the total holiday price and other associated expenses. Some airline carriers treat name changes as cancellations and you may be required to pay for the cost of a new ticket.


We recommend you to get your personal insurance before your departure to cover the activities undertaken by Montagne Expédition. You can check the details of the offered insurances here. 
If you have not purchased any of our insurances, we ask you to email us your insurance contract information (company, contract name, contract number, phone number) and bring those information with you on your trip. 

Practical info


This trip is supervised by a qualified High Mountain Guide whose main objective is to train you in basic technics and to enable you to complete a safe and successful trip.
The guide might have to change the program to ensure your safety according to weather conditions and to the level & physical conditions of the group.


  • Lunch picnics
  • Diners : meals prepared by shelter keepers
  • Take some race food according to your own tastes (cereals bars, chocolate bars, dry fruits,…). You can buy some in Champex village if you need.

  • Water is not for free in refuges (from 5 to 8 euros one bottle). We advise you to bring some water purification tablets (Aquatabs or Micropur) in order to drink tap water. 
  • Bring some Swiss francs for coffees, fruit juices, coke or beers during breaks… Shelters usually don’t accept bank card payments and Euros.


  • In refuges, dormitories are from 8 to 10 people and are equipped with blankets and duvets for the night (plan to bring your personal sleeping sheet for hygiene reasons).
  • Slippers are at your disposal in refuges, it is thus not necessary to bring trainers.
  • Plan to bring noise disturbances prevention : ear plugs, sleeping pills, etc.
  • No showers except in the valley of Champex for the classic Chamonix-Zermatt : there is no running water in refuges except from the one coming from glaciers.
  • A few electric plugs are available in refuges, but plan a second battery for your camera and switch off your phone during the day.


During your trip, you will carry all of your belongings : make sure to pack your bag accordingly so that you're not overloaded and that you have the essential. 
Your guide will check your equipment before departure : plan to bring a 50L backpack, and don't forget to keep some space for food and water.

Budget & exchange

Switzerland uses the Swiss Franc (CHF). It is better to change money before departure, however euros are widely accepted in Switzerland. 

Credit cards and debit cards are very useful for cash advances (but don’t forget to bring your PIN number!). 
ATMs are available in most of the towns you will cross during your stay, but there are no guarantees that your credit card will actually work in Switzerland.
Also, refuges often don’t have EPT (Electronic Payment Terminal): it is best to bring cash.Be aware of the fees usually applied when purchasing products or services on a credit card. 

Always take more rather than less, as you don’t want to spend your trip constantly feeling short on funds. 
As currency exchange rates can often fluctuate, we recommend to check the following website for daily exchange rates:


Clients usually pay for the guides’ drinks : you might find it practical to make a group kitty at the beginning of your stay (no obligation). 

Supplied equipment

  • Collective equipment (ropes) is provided
  • Slippers, blankets and covers are at your disposal in refuges
  • Individual safety equipment (DVA batteries not included, shovel, probe) : thank you for letting the agency know if you have your own.

Vital equipment

  • A pair of sharpened touring skis with adapted fixations as well as a break or safety straps
  • A pair of ski touring shoes with VIBRAM soles
  • A pair of adhesive seal skins adapted to your skis
  • Knives adapted to your fixations
  • Large washer sticks

  • Safety equipment : DVA, shovel, probe
  • Crampons with "Antibott" system
  • Ice axe
  • Harness and screw carabiners 
  • Survival blanket
  • A head lamp with extra batteries and bulbs
  • A pocket knife 
  • A thermos or a reusable bottle 


  • A bonnet
  • A hat or a cap
  • A scarf or a "buff" neck strap
  • Sunscreen and lip protection 
  • Glacier sunglasses category 4 + ski goggles 

Upper body
  • 2 technical and breathable long sleeves underclothing type "Carline" : no coton that takes time to dry
  • 1 technical and breathable undershirt
  • 1 thick fleece jacket
  • 1 down jacket
  • 1 wind-stopper and waterproof jacket type Goretex
  • 1 pair of mittens (fleece or wool)
  • 1 pair of wind-stopper gloves (fleece or wool)
  • 1 pair or under-gloves

Lower body
  • 1 pair of technical and breathable tights type "Carline"
  • 1 pair of comfortable mountain trousers
  • 1 pair of wind-stopper and waterproof trousers type "Goretex"
  • 1 pairs of socks : 1 thin and 1 thick

  • 1 sleeping sheet for nights in refuges
  • 1 small toilet bag 
  • 1 small fast drying towel
  • Biafine (for sunburns)
  • Reusable toilet paper
  • 1 or 2 100L plastic bags and a bag cover to protect your belongings and your backpack
  • 1 waterproof folder in which you will put you identity papers, your phone, your money and your insurance contract with all of your emergency phone numbers


  • A comfortable mountaineering 40L backpack with attachments for your skis
  • A second bag that will stay at the hotel with your replacement clothes 


You guide will be carrying a collective first aid kit. However, it is important for you to bring your individual pharmacy, checked with your general doctor : 
  • Personal medication
  • Pain killers (preferably Paracetamol)
  • Double skin
  • Elastoplast (excellent to prevent blisters)
  • Bandages
  • Disinfectant  
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antispasmodic
  • Anti-diarrheal 
  • Anti-vomiting
  • Intestinal antiseptic
  • Eye drops
  • Light sleeping pills
  • Ear plugs
Non exhaustive list


Please make sure your passport and travel documents are valid.


  • Up to 90 days visit in Switzerland : citizens from most countries do not need a visa to visit Switzerland.
  • Over 90 days visit in Switzerland : non-EU or non-EFTA citizens must have a visa to visit Switzerland over 90 days.

For further information, please check the following website :

Identity card

For EU and EFTA citizens, you can use your identity card to travel to Switzerland. 

Mandatory vaccines

No required vaccination. 

Health information & recommendations

  • It is important to consult your doctor for medical travel information well before departure.
  • We recommend that you carry a First Aid kit as well as any personal medical requirements. Please keep in mind that we are often in remote areas, away from medical facilities.
  • Please carefully read the brochure and itinerary when selecting your trip, to make sure our style of travel suits you. 
  • Please note you will travel to high altitude. Most people can travel to 2 500m with minimal effects. However, everyone reacts differently to altitude and altitude sickness can occur. 

For details on how to best prepare your trip, please consult your physician. 


The Swiss climate is moderately continental in the plateau, Alpine in the mountains, and more temperate in the Canton of Ticino. In the mountains, the climate varies with altitude and slope exposure, but in winter, they are located above the blanket of fog and low clouds that often covers the plateau, so they are also sunnier in this season. The cold wind, which in Switzerland and in central France is called Bise, blows from the north-east and is more frequent in winter and spring.
Late winter and early spring (February-March) are recommended for a ski holiday, since the days are longer than in December and January. 

For further information on the wether during your trip, please check the following website :


The electrical current in Switzerland is 230V, 50Hz. Swiss sockets are recessed, three-holed, hexagonally shaped and incompatible with many plugs from abroad. They usually, however, take the standard European two-pronged plug.
Most refuges have electric plugs, but some haven't. If you are scared of running low on battery, bring an external battery with you. 

Local time

Switzerland is in the Central European Time Zone (CET). Central European Standard Time is 1 hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+1).

Sustainable tourism

We do our best to offer trips subscribed to the principles of responsible and sustainable tourism. Our aim is to allow visitors to discover the many facets of the Mont Blanc massif by taking you off the beaten path and getting you in touch with its nature and residents, while ensuring that your visits do not have a negative effect on its natural environment and people.

  • Most of our accommodations are run by locals, thus ensuring that the largest part of the revenue generated through your trip will stay within the region.
  • France is known for its exquisite cuisine. The art of cooking and the joy of eating are part of everyday life. Each region has its particular foods and flavors which we would like you to explore and appreciate.
  • Water is a precious and rare good. Our team and those travelling with us are thus advised to use it with consideration and avoid excessive water use where possible.
  • Please try to recycle your waste whenever possible, even though recycling may not be a well-known concept in all areas.
  • Be cautious and respectful when hiking. Make sure to wear suitable footwear and avoid picking flowers, moving stones or lighting fires.  
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  • Originaire de Chamonix et depuis toujours passionnée de montagne et de grands espaces, Marie n'est jamais bien loin des sommets. Elle saura vous aiguiller dans vos choix d'aventures pour une expérience inoubliable.
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France Switzerland
Ski Ski-Touring
6 days
4 to 6 people
From €1,590
English / French
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